Monthly Archives: October 2023

Weekly Update: 10.26.23

2024-07-23T21:46:38+00:00October 26, 2023|FAST 5 Weekly Updates, Latest News|

Nominations for the 2024 ILSoyAdvisor Awards close this Friday, October 27. The CCA Soybean Master Adviser Award recognizes the vital role of Illinois Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs) in improving soybean production, offering insights to enhance yield and profitability. The Dave Rahe Excellence in Soils Consulting Award honors an exceptional Illinois CCA for their expertise in soils consulting within the state's soybean production systems, named after former CCA Soy Envoy, Dave Rahe.

Weekly Update: 10.19.23

2024-07-23T21:47:24+00:00October 19, 2023|FAST 5 Weekly Updates, Latest News|

ISA’s “It’s Sustainably Soy” Certification Program recognizes organizations, companies and executives for switching to sustainable, soy-based solutions in their products. Stakeholders, constituents, and customers want to do business with organizations that align with their environmental values, and getting your product sustainably certified by ISA provides you with a resource you can list in your annual report and publish as part of your ongoing sustainability initiatives.

Weekly Update: 10.12.23

2024-07-23T21:48:01+00:00October 12, 2023|FAST 5 Weekly Updates, Latest News|

This year's harvest is bringing in a wide range of yields so far, from disappointing to outstanding, in both soybeans and corn. In the first ILSoyAdvisor podcast episode, the ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoys offer a comprehensive harvest report, which includes yield assessments from various regions across the state. In addition, they provide insights into the growing season, addressing challenges such as insects, disease, and weed problems, and what Illinois growers should consider for next year.

Weekly Update: 10.05.23

2024-07-23T21:48:40+00:00October 5, 2023|FAST 5 Weekly Updates, Latest News|

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) has now spread to the majority of soybean-growing regions. Why should farmers be vigilant about this pest? While we’ve relied on the genetic approach of PI 88788 resistance to combat SCN, resistance is emerging. Dr. Mandy Bish of the University of Missouri Extension urges farmers to take a proactive stance in managing SCN as there are limited tools available for control.

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