Outreach Agronomist

Stephanie Porter is the Outreach Agronomist for the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA). As Outreach Agronomist, Stephanie supports all things ‘ILSoyAdvisor,’ which encompasses the outreach efforts that help communicate both in-field and edge-of-field research and validation studies to Illinois’ 43,000 soybean farmers.

Stephanie works closely with Kelsey Litchfield, ISA Agronomic Outreach Coordinator, to provide agronomic outreach in the form of videos, podcasts, radio, blogs, newsletter, in-field insights, as well as social media. Together, as a team, she recruits, advises, and learns from Illinois Soy Advisors as well as leads events such as the Soybean Summit, Better Bean Series, and other field days. Stephanie also utilizes her experience to help farmers across the state solve agronomic problems.

Stephanie has over 20 years of experience that consists of agronomy, conservation, horticulture, plant diagnostics, and education. She has a bachelor’s degree in crop science and master’s in plant pathology from the University of Illinois. Stephanie is a Certified Crop Advisor and was named the 2018 Illinois Certified Crop Adviser Master Soybean Advisor. She also has experience with corn and soybean pathology research, crop scouting, soil testing, as well as crop consulting. Previously, she utilized her diagnostic training and collaborated with University of Illinois departmental Extension Specialists to diagnose plant health problems and prepare written responses describing the diagnosis and management recommendations at the University of Illinois Plant Clinic.

Focus Areas:
Research & Outreach
Plant Diagnostics
Farmer Programing