An ISA Study
The Illinois Soybean Association recognizes (ISA) the importance of maintaining bridge infrastructure for the state’s overall economy and for industries specifically agriculture, which depend on a functional and reliable transportation system. Bridges are a critical component of the Illinois transportation network as they connect communities and economies, allow for greater social integration, allow emergency services to reach destinations promptly, and overall improve the quality of life for residents who rely on them daily. Bridges allow connection across natural and man-made barriers, which often divide communities and create obstacles to commerce. ISA commissioned a study to examine the economic impact bridges have within the State of Illinois specifically for bridges that reside outside the Chicago Metropolitan Area.
Why Investing in Bridges Matters
Bridges are vital for Illinois’ economy, especially for agriculture, by connecting communities and improving transportation efficiency. Well-maintained bridges reduce costs, support commerce, and enhance safety.
Key Study Findings
For every dollar invested in Illinois bridges, there’s a return of $4.97 in benefits. The study highlights the impact on different categories, including all counties and the top 13 agricultural-producing regions.
Economic Benefits of Bridge Investment
- Jobs Created (30 years): 52,640 statewide
- Total Labor Income: $2.83 billion statewide
- Value Added to Economy: $5.63 billion statewide
Bridge Conditions
65% of Illinois bridges are in fair or poor condition, with 72% under local government control, making repairs more challenging due to budget constraints.